Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog Entry 2.2: Altruist

          What does the picture above mean to me? The adult in the picture is the image of what I want to be when I become a father. As a father, I would like to give my children all my love throughout their lives. I would like to take care of my kids, playing baseball together, drawing on a wall in my house together, and so on.

          I am also planning to become a nurse at the moment. After I graduated from a college in my country, I worked for about three years as a mechanical engineer at an electronic company.
At some point, I realized that it was not what I wanted to be. After thinking over and over on my life, I made up my mind to become a nurse. Why? The reason is simple. I would like to work with people, taking care of people. I am not quite sure what lies in store for me as a nurse. As people say, nursing is not so easy, since dealing with people who are sick and tired does not sound very pleasant. I might be winding up seeing many people who moan in distress or groan with pain. Some people just get cranky and do not care what others around them would feel since they just do not have enough strength to care about others.
          However, I am the kind of person who tries to be optimistic as well as caring in any situation. When people find their situations desperate, I would help them get themselves hope and back to the bright side. I would like to find life fun every single moment, thinking life is worth living. When I picture myself wearing scrubs, I find it exciting as well as worthwhile. I am so glad that I got accepted into the nursing program at LaGuardia Community College. My life will be greater once I graduate and start working at a hospital or any facility. Looking after people is challenging yet rewarding. 

- Image from :


  1. Our archetype is good for nursing and parenthood,I am also studying to be a nurse.

  2. i wish you best of luck in this career...

  3. I really like that picture. it seems that we both share something in common. We both like to help.

  4. I really like your blog post. It shows the most basic role of the altruist archetype in life which has existed from the beginning of time. Nice tying it into real life.
