Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Essay

    Time flew and it came to the end of the semester again as usual. I remember the first day of this class. Professor introduced himself and class with full of life. ‘English through literature’ was the title of the course as far as I know, but it seemed that there would be something more in this class. The professor said that the theme of this class was ‘supernatural’ and each student would make their own blogs and we would communicate through the blogs. Yes, this class looked very different from the beginning and indeed it was. I learned informative contents from the class and from writing blog entries. Among those blog entries, ‘blog entry 3.2,’ Macbeth through a footage, was one of the most interesting works. In the about three minute footage, there were several interesting symbols, symbolic gestures, and archetypes. In order to find symbols and archetypes, I thought over and over and whenever I tried to put a certain meaning to a specific event, I was more able to appreciate the moment and the work. After the Macbeth class, both Coraline and the final project were so much fun.
    If I had to pick one interesting blog entry, I would choose Joseph’s blog entry 3.5, Coraline. I could get the picture of his childhood life. He said that he and Coraline had something in common which was warrior archetype. He compared his childhood with Coraline’s exploration. It seemed that he was a courageous kid like Coraline. Overall, his work was interesting.    

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